Episode 23 Ski Trends with Expert Jackson Hogen

Jackson Hogen, who calls the mountain his ‘church,’ is a renowned ski expert who has spent the last 50 years traveling around the world skiing and monitoring the developments of major ski brands. Today, he shares his expertise on ski gear and innovations, plus trends in the sport on RealSkiers.com and the RealSkiers podcast. 

As we head into the spring ski season, Melissa sits down with Jackson to discuss how he’s seen the sport evolve, the life lessons he’s learned on the mountains, and his hopes for the sport’s future. Of course, he also shares his favorite ski destinations—from North America’s East and West coasts to Europe, Asia and South America—and gear recommendations for skiers of all levels. Learn which lesser-known mountain he calls the “Jewel of the West,” why you should never pass up the chance to ski with a guide, and a revolutionary development in boot design premiering next season. 

Plus, this week on destination hacks: Melissa shares her favorite ski destinations and resorts around the world. 

Tune in live: February 23, 2023 at 12 p.m. ET

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