Episode 9 Destination Deep Dive: Qatar and the World Cup

On the heels of the 2022 World Cup, Melissa sits down in Doha with ultra-athlete Pierre Daniel to discuss what hosting the international sporting event means to Qatar. Pierre has been working on health and sport initiatives in Qatar since he moved to the country from France in 2008. Over the last 14 years, he’s experienced Qatar intimately, especially through his world record-setting 7-day, 477-kilometer run across the country where he felt tremendous support from the Qatari people. In this episode, Pierre shares the deep appreciation he’s gained for Qatari culture over the years and the tremendous changes he’s seen the country undergo since winning the World Cup bid in 2010, from major infrastructure projects like the construction of sustainable stadiums to the development of a national soccer team. Throughout, he dispels misconceptions about Qatar and voices his optimism that this tournament will open Qatar to the world and the world to Qatar.


Plus, don’t miss Pierre’s tips for World Cup attendees and Melissa’s destination hacks to help you plan a future trip to Qatar.

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