Episode 2 Destination Deep Dive: Venice

In the second episode of Passport to Everywhere, Melissa Biggs Bradley transports you to Venice for a conversation about the city’s beauty and fragility with long-time residents and friends Countess Bianca Arrivabene and Toto Bergamo Rossi.

Bianca’s family has lived in the stunning Palazzo Papadopoli (now the Aman Venice) on the Grand Canal for over 200 years, and Toto has dedicated his life to safeguarding the city’s cultural heritage as Director of the Venetian Heritage Fund. The two Venetians will share what it’s like to live in this romantic floating city that’s also a center of Western art and culture. They will discuss the challenges facing the city today—from rising waters to overtourism—along with the promising initiatives underway to save it.

Don’t miss: Bianca and Toto’s insider tips on Venice, plus stay tuned for Melissa’s very own Venice tips and information on how you can help preserve this endangered city.

Tune in Thursday, September 29 at 12:00 p.m. ET, Channel 132 on SiriusXM Business Radio or listen wherever you download podcasts. Plus, click here to subscribe to SiriusXM for free.

indagare venice courtesy indagare

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